Some I turned off after about two notes, but I didn't with censored. Unlike most 'unsung' bands I mention, they are signed and have just (ie on Monday) released their first single on the Electric Toaster Label, called Play the Game
Personally, I prefer some of the other tracks on their own myspace (even if I can't hear full tracks - annoying teasers). Varied styles too - In the Presence of the Lord has got strong rock roots; Lonesome Town is one of those "let's sing in an accent, tell a story" songs (but, it's far from the 'mockney' that's proliferating the airwaves at the minute), and I definitely like it and it's the stand out track for me.
Apparently, NME have billed them as "the buzz band of the Midlands", which is sufficent praise for me.
I can sense that if things take off, I will grow to like them more and more (I couldn't stand the Arctic Monkeys to start with, now I'm a great fan) - so on the basis that I like them more than a bit at the minute, there's hope out there.
Personally, I'm afraid to say it's not my cup of tea. I bit too close to rock for my liking. But, that's not to say it's not good. In fact, it's very good. It's not annoyingly predictable stuff - each song is different (so much so that I like With or Without You, and To Make you proud is a brilliant example of a piece changing rhythm, style, tempo - but not in a cheesy Eurovision way. So what I wouldn't but an album, I'm sure there's enough people that will. Not only are they better than that diminutive former soldier, but it really is a travesty that they're not signed. They're myspace says they're after Management and label representation. If I had the time guys, I'd be happy to help!
Brilliantly, they tick my favourite box of "different". The lead single on their myspace, Smile is really innovative. The chorus is almost in a different style to the rest of the piece, but fits will and is a catchy refrain that I think will stick for a while.
Another stand out track (yes, they've got more than one) is Seen the light, with a frantic quirky verse building up to a sing-along refrain - not forgetting a randomly inserted guitar solo that actually fits in well.
Overall, I enjoyed listening to the entire 'album' that is a myspace playlist. Familiar enough to appeal to the masses, yet different enough not to be thrown in a box with so many other artists. Which I think is the mix everyone should be striding towards.
nice one about the blog. really appreciate that and your views, its honest! Sorry about teasers. Its the record label and with so much piracy takin place...thats what we've had to do. :(
Nice one with Lonesome Town.
Chris G
I saw Censored myself at Lumiarie a while back. They weren't at all bad, you know.
Have you heard
White Sunday?
I'm just about to add you to my Google reader!
Love the blog. Very inspiring.
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