Sunday 15 February 2009

Unsung - Shelly Still

My inbox is now getting steadily fuller with myspace "friend" requests and other e-mails suggesting I listen to a new and potentially up-and-coming artist.

I can still stand by my promise that I will listen to every request that comes in - so please do keep them coming.(1) However, it may take a while, given that I have a 9-5 job nowadays (together with my set of extra curricular activities).

So, I'm no longer going to have "unsung" every other Wednesday, I'm just going to post something when I get time to listen and write something down. Starting this week, with Shelly Still.

Writing this as I am on a Sunday morning, it's clear that the gentle acoustic charms are perfect Sunday morning hangover music (although, yesterday being Valentine's Day, I avoided the city centre at all costs and only had a couple of drinks at home so haven't been able to put that theory to the test). It's getting quite rare nowadays that you hear such soothing folk music, save for specific events. It's not 'radio friendly', which is a great shame. I suppose this is why Shelly will never make it big. But I like it. And there's a free mini-album to download from her myspace too, so there's no reason why anyone can't like it (as Shelly said to me, "Free is good"). It's music for the sake of being music. And we really don't see enough of it.

1 - And, as an aside, if you've heard about a new band and want to "tell the world", feel free to write it yourself. An even if not, there's enough e-mails now I can just forward you details of "Band Z" and let you decide how good they are. So, if you are interested in joining the writing team here at 'Bites, just e-mail.

1 comment:

D.M.White said...

Wow, I just googled my name (not in vanity, I was seeing if a webpage was working!) and found your review. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me that you have taken time to listen and speak about the mini album. Shelly x